
Fundraising Email Template: 

Dear family and friends, 


For the month of October, I will be participating in the annual Read October read-a-thon in support of the International Dyslexia Association Ontario Branch.   

IDA Ontario is a volunteer-run charitable organization that provides information and support to people with dyslexia, their families, educators and other professionals. They advocate for individuals with dyslexia and promote access to literacy for all 

Did you know that dyslexia is the most common reason people struggle to learn to read? It’s estimated that between 5% – 20% of the population has dyslexia. 

I have two goals during Read October. The first is to read (insert total number of books or minutes a day you plan to read) and the second is to raise $ (insert amount) for dyslexia awareness.   

I hope you will help by sponsoring me. Any donation amount is appreciatedYou can sponsor me by going to my fundraising page on Canada Helps and making a secure online donation here   

Thank you for your generous support!  



(Your Name) 


PS – if you want to learn more about dyslexia and the great work that IDA Ontario does, please visit  

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